Join Us Sunday Mornings at 10:00AM
We all worship someone or something. As Christians, we are called to worship the true and living God. To do this, we must know Him. Thus, doctrine is paramount to worship. Although, worship is more than Sunday mornings, the corporate worship of believers is crucial, refreshing, and biblical. We believe that worship is much more than singing. It is where our spirit finds rest. It is where our mind is focused upon eternal things. It is where our heart cries out to our God in confession of sin and sound doctrine. It is where we are engaged in coming under the authority of the Word for the purpose of drawing nearer to the One who saved us. Worship is to be for God alone. This is our hearts desire. We invite you to join us.
Come as you are. With your Bible. A notebook. A heart ready to praise. A spirit seeking the Spirit. Simply. Sincerely. Making much of our Savior.